Tuesday, 28 February 2012

the next phase

As I write respond/reply is moving into a new phase. Much collating and editing of material has been done by
Helen and some by myself, resulting in a collection of notes, transcripts, writings and images that are ready to be formed into a publication of some description. We have identified a fantastic designer and are keeping our fingers crossed that she will find the material interesting to work with.

At this stage what the publication will look like is undetermined, in fact the possibilities are endless.

Here is a taster extract of one of the transcripts

When I think how did we get here? I don’t know how we got here….. so my thing is to go back to we’ve got an institution, what is an institution? How do we recognise an institution? How does an institution bestow respect admiration and affection and how does that institutions can bestow some of those things, some of the time?