Friday 24 September 2010

Excellent news - a poem by George that was written right at the beginning of the project has been selected as the poem for the National Poetry Day card.

Sunday 19 September 2010

The show is nearly up!

Everything is now finished bar a few minor adjustments. The evaluation cards are printed and in place and the work is hung and the gallery staff are setting up the drinks in the foyer. All that remains is to enjoy the private view.

Thursday 9 September 2010

Installation going well albeit a little slower than we would have liked.

Images are of Helen putting up work and Stephanie, a fantastic work experience student who has done sterling work painting walls.

Hope to see you all on Friday at the private view from 6pm to 8pm

Monday 6 September 2010

Tomorrow installation begins in the gallery in Ipswich. It will be a good opportunity to get the work out in one space and to be able to react to and explore all the pieces together. Whilst we bring work to our meetings, this is an additional process not a cumulative one, since it is impractical to transport every single piece of work on every occasion. Our opening is on Friday 10th September when we are looking forward to public reaction to respond/reply.

We are delighted to be invited to take part in a show that is being held at Wysing Arts Centre. Rather alarmingly in terms of time, it opens on 16th October so there is much to do in preparation. The show is called Wysing Arts Contemporary: Partners and offers us the chance to present work that addresses the relationship between the four of us as well as the drawing and writing work we are producing.
